Perfect Nails Kft.
Fehérvári út 89-95., Budapest, 1119, Mađarska
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Perfect Nails Company
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AT61 2021 6217 6622 1100
AT61 2021 6217 6622 1100
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Perfect Nails Kft.
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My GLS - shipping to BE, BG, NL, PL, LU, DE (<5 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €9,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - shipping to BE, BG, NL, PL, LU, DE (5-15 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €10,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - shipping to BE, BG, NL, PL, LU, DE (15-30 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €13,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to DK, FR, IT (<5 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €13,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to DK, FR, IT (5-15 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €16,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to DK, FR, IT (15-30 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €13,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to EE (<5 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €14,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to EE (5-15 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €18,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to EE (15-30 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €27,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to ES (except: Canary Islands and Balearic Islands) <5 kgImportant: In case of Spain, the indicated price is for land transport only and we only accept orders from the Spanish mainland. If you order from an island in Spain, such as the Canary Islands or the Balearic Islands, the amount paid by credit card will be automatically refunded within 14 working days and your order will be canceled.Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €17,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to ES (except: Canary Islands and Balearic Islands) 5-15 kgImportant: In case of Spain, the indicated price is for land transport only and we only accept orders from the Spanish mainland. If you order from an island in Spain, such as the Canary Islands or the Balearic Islands, the amount paid by credit card will be automatically refunded within 14 working days and your order will be canceled.Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €22,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to ES (except: Canary Islands and Balearic Islands) 15-30 kgImportant: In case of Spain, the indicated price is for land transport only and we only accept orders from the Spanish mainland. If you order from an island in Spain, such as the Canary Islands or the Balearic Islands, the amount paid by credit card will be automatically refunded within 14 working days and your order will be canceled.Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €30,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to UK (except: North Ireland) <5 kgUkupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke53,00 €59,99 €13,00 €60,00 €158,00 €Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to UK (except: North Ireland) 5-15 kgUkupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke53,00 €59,99 €16,00 €60,00 €158,00 €Besplatno
MyGLS - Shipping to UK (except: North Ireland) 15-30 kgUkupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke53,00 €59,99 €21,00 €60,00 €158,00 €Besplatno
My GLS - shipping to AT, CZ, HR, RO, SK, SL (<5 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €8,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - shipping to AT, CZ, HR, RO, SK, SL (5-15 kg)Kiválóan felépített hálózatával gyors és zökkenőmentes csomagszállítást tesz lehetővé, így a csomagok már a feladást követő munkanapon kiszállításra kerülnek.
A hatalmas GLS HUB mellett 89 depó és több mint 2200 futár gondoskodik arról, hogy a csomagok a megfelelő szortírozást követően minél előbb eljuthassanak a címzettekhez. A házhozszállítás mellett 1700 átadópontból (GLS CsomagPontok és GLS Automaták) álló hálózatával a GLS ebben a szegmensben is országos lefedettséget kínál.Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €9,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno -
My GLS - shipping to AT, CZ, HR, RO, SK, SL (15-30 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €11,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - shipping to FI, GR, PT (<5 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €20,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - shipping to FI, GR, PT (5-15 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €30,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - shipping to FI, GR, PT (15-30 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €48,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - shipping to CY, MT (<5 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €299,99 €62,00 €300,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - shipping to CY, MT (5-15 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €299,99 €120,00 €300,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - shipping to CY, MT (15-30 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €299,99 €184,00 €300,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS -Shipping to LT (<5 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €14,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - Shipping to LT (5-15 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €18,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - Shipping to LT (15-30 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €27,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - Shipping to LV (<5 kg)
My GLS - Shipping to LV (5-15 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €18,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
My GLS - Shipping to LV (15-30 kg)Ukupan zbir poruciocaCena isporuke0,00 €59,99 €27,00 €60,00 €-Besplatno
Credit card
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